Mozilla/Netscape people put the ad free banner in place of this, IE people just delete the whole thing.
its not worth killing yourself
if you aint gonna die

about me

*NC16.. lol
*8th May
*choir [sop]

*striker for girls
*defender for guys
*shopping (ha)
*bad boys *wink*

**dorothy tay
**faggot yip
**chua ee cheong
**pple putting me down

***to get A1 for chinese
***to get A1 for a maths
***to get A1 for english
***to get A1 for maths
***to get A1 for biology
***to get A2 for physics
***to get A2 for geography
***to get A2 for combined humanties
***to get B3 for chemistry
***help out xingnan choir
***take drama as sub at VJC
***study at NTU/ overseas
***get a beetle car

my past

06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005

my reads

nicole : gr8 debater
haikal : far away now
kathleen : my twin sis
jane : my ma
julie : my real sis
suk mun : partner-in-crime
juit lian
luo sheng
sarah lah
hui ru
li ru
see kai
yan shan: crazy partner
cheng jie
kuan hui
ruiming: gotta read dis
aidil: sax player
kang sheng: nice shoes
weixue: old classmate
wan xin
hsien lee: fashion designer
fang yi: WET!!
zhao perng
si meng
yu han
tze chee
theng loke
ying chen
qiu qun
mel c: cool hair
mr toh
guy, interrupted
marina/ chloe
tiawanajane: lemons?
pablo: i like this guy!
blueskeleton: cool site with pics

my virtual pets

adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

the current moon phase

moon phases

my hangouts

The Vocal Consort
CSS Choir Forum
My Friendster
Pyro, my love

shout at me

gimme a hug

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Kathy more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


what i have learnt

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

im still writing down my h/w.. still doin it at home.. trying to finish everything on time.. the a maths textbook homework got a question dunno.. tml morning will ask someone how to do.. the rest all i know.. doin maths story.. doing alone coz didnt bother to look for group then.. manz.. kinda hard work coz mine is like some kind of mini novel.. then got a lot of pages.. then i drawing pictures in it too.. hahaz.. dun care if too long.. its looking quite nice liao.. manz.. i hate it when they give stuff like this.. make me wanna make my work the best looking one.. damn..

still trying to cope with my new life.. feeling kinda tried.. ok.. really tired.. but im contented with my "new life" and feel wuite happy.. juz a bit lonely in class and stuff.. hm.. yeah.. but tts ok.. got my black notebook can liao.. :D..

im still going for art.. thinking of taking art as private candidate for o-levels.. but scared tt i'll not be up to standard then.. yeah.. ms ng also said tt my standard of doodling and drawings are only up to the enjoyment standard.. not the exam standard.. smth liddat.. manz.. tts sucks.. hahaz..

but she says tt its nice.. :p.. at least someone appreciates my art.. ok.. like everyone else aint saying the same thing but its like from her.. its smth bigger.. ok.. nvm.. u muz be thinking tt im some sick freak who idolises ms ng.. hahaz.. maybe the sick freak part but defintely not the ms ng part.. *wink*

heard tt there's some major blackout in singapore now.. hm.. i always never kena blackout one.. so sad.. hahaz.. ok.. nvm..

i thinking of creating a band.. again.. got a couple of song ready liao.. juz need a band to play it with.. yeah i know.. i ask a lot of time liao.. but none of u wanna commit a couple of hours a week in the band.. so yeah.. if u interested.. those who know tag my board.. those hu dont email me.. kk? :D

11:14 PM

Monday, June 28, 2004

today's the first day of sch.. its okay i guess.. i filed up my stuff.. did most of my holiday homework.. felt good.. not the usual freak who's fraid of meeting any teacher coz fraid didnt do homework..

went to JP with vithya.. watched "around the world in 80 days".. its a good movie pple.. go catch it.. b4 tt.. i bought a ring.. a plain one.. the sales assistant was like asking, "buying for ur bf argh?".. manz.. juz wondering how would it be like to have a bf.. hahaz.. but then again.. its me im toking abt so forget it..

reached home almost 7pm.. did math h/w qn 1.. did finished by 1st draft of tt maths story.. now searching about ASEAN aims for SS.. dun care about the UN one.. tml muz remember to bring chinese stuff.. and chem stuff.. then can do filing..

oh yeah.. u know tt channel U got this advertisement with william hung dancing in it.. i only say age 14- 30 then i faster copy down the number.. those interested call 90296526..

then i think it audition for a comedy? i dunno lah.. juz calling tml.. haiz.. tt time deb and me go for audition for channel i.. still dun have any news.. hm.. at least on my side dun have lah.. dunno abt deb.. hm..

10:31 PM

Saturday, June 26, 2004

i dun wanna live a life escaping facts.. i might as well admit tt im suicidal.. and probably depressed.. its a FACT..

10:58 PM

hm.. today went to west coast.. first go jp at arnd 12.30pm.. went to lib.. read a book about kids who lived on the streets.. i would have cried if i wasnt afriad of wad people would think of me if i did.. i took 1 1/2 hrs to finish the book.. quite cool.. dun even know wad the book title is..

after tt.. took a taxi to west coast.. then reach there.. dunno go where.. call sarah.. then i call sarah.. she say turn arnd.. we're right beside u.. then i was like.. turning.. then saw them lor.. then kinda paiseh.. then when i got there pple were laughing lor.. got haikal.. thomas.. david.. mr singh.. shasha.. lastrina.. sarah.. juitlian and vithya..

then we go climb the pyramid/spiderweb or smth.. then coz i friad of hieghts.. i quite reluctant to go up.. then i stay down lor.. (yeah lah i know i scaredy cat lah)..

then after tt go fly kite.. then quite fun lor.. after go to the 'beach'.. its was go damn dirty lor.. got a car plate no. floating in the water.. then got drink cans.. plastic bags.. plastic bottles.. Bonjour bread plastic bag.. manz.. it was very dirty lor.. i felt like goin there and pick up all the litter.. but too lazy too.. hahaz..

then we go mcdonald.. juit lian went off.. at mcdonalds.. i got a coke float.. then the ice cream was damn soft.. but in coke ok lah.. then after tt.. time to go home but vit had to change her outfit.. so shasha las and me went to this climbing thing.. then its like.. the kids climb until so easy.. then when we climb.. we will swing to one side lor.. then damn funny.. we kept on lauhging.. finally las got up.. but didnt know how to come down.. then me and shasha kept on laughing.. hahaz.. manz.. at least i climbed 3-4 notches.. hahaz..

then sat in sarah's dad's lorry/truck.. so cool.. hahaz.. then got the wind blowing in ur face lor.. hahaz.. haiz..

then went home lor.. then i type this lor.. so today quite a cool day..

8:27 PM

Thursday, June 24, 2004

the holidays are almost over. i have decided to use PROPER english when writing blog entries. ok. maybe not.. haiz..

like i said.. the holidays are almost over.. but i still havent done anything seriously good to improve my studies.. manz.. i'll come back later.. still have 2 projects to do and i will still need to use the computer later.. so see you later..

7:10 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

hm.. i thinking of going back to my pri sch to help out with the choir.. hahaz.. then it'll be so cool.. coz my sch choir now like shit liddat.. hm.. thinking of going back to help them.. if can pull their SYF bronze to a gold one.. hope lah.. that means i have to study harder and get better grades.. so that my mom would let me go down and help..

so from now i.. i will strive for at least a C5 in all my subs.. (i know very bad.. but i got some failing subs so at least all get C5 first.. haiz.. dont even know wad i doing in 3/1..)..

i will and MUST pay attention in class.. will and MUST finish ALL my homework ON TIME.. and pass them up ON TIME too.. don't get into trouble with the teacher no matter how much i dislike him.. take down all the homework or assignments that need to be done..

go home.. muz at least look or revise through wad was taught that day.. then finish up the homework.. if dunno or dun understand.. MUST ask.. MUZ put aside my pride and ASK..

muz change and strive for better result.. toking alone is not enuff.. muz move and do smth about it..

when i wanna stay back in sch and do nth.. i muz resist the temptation and go home to study.. not slack around.. if i wanna go out.. i hafta be sure that when i reach home.. i will have enuff time to finish my hmwk.. and revise too..


enuff toking..

gtg and do some revising and catching up..

11:38 AM

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

ok.. im finally gonna talk about mr toh.. hm.. well.. lets start from when i first saw him..

that was last year.. when mr kwei's choirs were like gathering at siglap south cc to practice for genting competition.. then it was like the TK pple were kinda.. colourful? got pple wear home clothes.. then got die hair one.. then their conductor came along.. hahaz.. look like ah-beng or smth.. then like.. hm.. ok.. lets see what he can do lor..

then he conduct the TK pple.. (didnt really notice him much.. was too busy watching marcus.. hahaz.. then got that brilliant song "Ondeh Ondeh'.. really loved it.. hahaz.. it was so cool..)..

then mr toh came to teach/conduct us this yr.. helping us for our concert.. then the first day he came.. i remember tt he made quite a number of funny remarks.. then always got pple laughing.. then he was learning pple's names.. the commitee.. stuff liddat..

then fast forward this these two months.. during the hols.. i skipped a couple of practices.. sorry to say.. that one of the reasons was that i didnt want to go.. choir didnt have tt appeal it had for me last yr.. i dunno.. juz felt that i wasnt that important anymore in choir.. i mean like.. there were better singers like deb and jl.. the choir wouldnt really make a diff with or without me..

i only joined choir in sec2.. i feel that.. with only one yr and 6 mnths training.. i should be sounding like the sec2s.. no offense.. but when i sound like the sec2s.. airy and stuff.. pple criticise me.. i dunno.. i feel that the sec3s now have more experience then me.. shoudnlt they sound better then me.. its was because of the pple's supposed expectations and criticism which made me strive to be better.. be someone like debbie.. so now.. i feel that at least i have a sec3 standard.. not simple at all.. and when i become airy.. i get frustrated.. when i cant reach the high notes.. i wonder.. how come debbie and juitlian and jane can reach it.. y cant i?

then i'll start feeling useless.. manz.. it really sucks..

another reason is my failing results.. and my parents displeasure in my overly committing spirit to choir.. manz..

ok.. sorry.. back to mr toh..

then there was this once.. i didnt come.. kathleen help me say tt i was sick.. jl said tt i had sore throat.. so.. then i was like.. yeah.. ok.. im sick.. then later kathleen told me that mr toh sort of broke down and was like telling the choir how he wants the choir to stand together.. all tt stuff.. then he sang that 'can u hear me' song.. manz.. when i come for choir.. nth happens.. when i dont.. something bigs always happens.. (like the sectionals i didnt turn up.. everyone seemed to be in a bad mood.. then this thing.. the mr toh one.. manz.. )

then the next practice i went.. mr toh out of the blue asked me.. r u feeling better? took me a while to remember that i was sick.. and i was like going.. er.. yeah.. manz.. i felt so so so god-damn guilty lor.. i was like.. wad the hell.. y did u believe that i was sick??? y muz u care?? manz.. sorry mr toh..

haiz.. then tt time he gave sara, deb and me a ride to siglap south cc from meridian jc.. he was so cool.. honestly.. tts all im saying.. its was cool.. hahaz.. manz.. then when i finally started thinking.. hey.. mr toh's a great guy.. he leaving us.. manz.. haiz..

sorry.. dunno wad im driving at.. juz felt like writing an entry 'bout him.. so.. i did.. actually by right i wasnt ABOUT him.. it was mostly about wad i felt about him and wad are the memories about him.. but wad the heck..

so juz wanna say.. mr toh.. u rock.. u really do.. im not saying it for the sake of saying it u know.. take care and have faith in wadever u do.. and sorry for the times that i might have said or done things tha have hurt u.. sorry..

10:28 PM

came across this poem.. its done by some Canadian teenager.. i think..

I'm crying over nothing
And my tears won't stop
I'm gonna need a bucket and a mop
I told you I loved you
But i guess you think it wasn't true
I told you I needed you hear
But you had to much fear
you told me you get second thoughts
about us
everytime we talked
but then you turned and walked
Through saddness and tears
And liking you for years
I finally have the faith to confront my fears
The moon shines bright
on this cold bitter night
wishing I could be with you
cause I love you so true
I beleive in your doings
I fix your mistakes
I'm gonna get you
no matter how long it takes

man.. its really good..

10:27 PM

shit.. im in deep shit..

h***z smsed back yesterday asking how old was my bf and wad he was working as.. i said same age and student.. then he said..

Thanks. Due to the vocation i haf in the army, i haf no choice but to report any threat i get due to hi con.

then i was like going.. wad the fuck? wad the hell that means? then i realised.. holy shit.. i got haikal into deep shit too.. then i called him.. and he's like in malaysia now.. and he was like.. holy shit too.. then i was like smsing that god-damn hafiz (and i was censoring ur god-damn name for u!! now i dun give a shit!!!!) and asking him wad it means.. saying tt im sorry.. and bloody stuff liddat.. but he didnt reply.. damn him.. im quitting consort.. damn.. dun wanna have any thing associated to that god-damn mother-fucking loser..

10:21 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2004

haikal.. u rock.. hm.. he sent a message to h***z saying tt he was my bf and tt he wanted him to stop smsing me.. and tt if he smsed back to me he would die.. this is wad h***z smsed back..

juz wanna say tat u shud haf told me tat u dun wan me to msg u. i would have listened n nt do it tat way.. i respect ur bf hence this is my last msg. not that im afraid..

hahaz.. that finally got him off my back..

11:59 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2004




4:09 PM

How to make a Kathy Li

1 part intelligence

1 part humour

5 parts
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy!

3:54 PM

Saturday, June 12, 2004

i totally cant believe it.. juz now i on my hp.. then u know what i got? i got 34 missed calls.. all from h***z.. oh my god.. 34 + 40.. i had 70+ phone calls from him juz YESTERDAY.. *applaud* i applaud for ur effort..

1:36 PM

h***z called me nearly 40 times ysterday.. then i sent him a very long email.. a summary of what i wrote would be that the reasons why i dont wanna contact him.. and stuff liddat.. heres the reply he gave..

hi gd evening!

glad to hear frm u...firstly its nt tat im ashame tat u r my friend o wat.jus tat i dun wan ppl to start toking bout me etting to knw u o wat....i dun mind ppl know bt mebbie as we ascimmilate into them?so as nt to make it abrubt?ndly i dun mind we go out in a gropu bt i do need time to knw who we r going wif...i cant possibly kip quiet o jus tok to u when we r out in a grp its nt too nice rite?finally...yepp mebbi u nid time if u ever nid to trust me...its nt wise to trust starngers?hehe dun blame u besides i came frm like the other part of singapore n know u onli thru choir..u haf every reason nt to simply trust me o ani other guy...wun be calling u unlesstheres a need to urgently since u dun like it..sorry for the miss calls n for disrturbing u.i knw tat when i call once o twice u r slping o bz.sorry again for bothering u...if we ever tok again,i will be glad enuf to converse wif u...if nt its ok...i respect ur decision no worries..wun be cold towards u...jus bear in mind im nt ashame to haf u as my frewn.

lotsa respect,

jus glad tat u told me tat u dun like me calling u...hehe at least i wun make a fool out of myself...
take care n frm nw onwards i shalll jus smile if we mit?{smile speaks a thousand words} haha!kidding n if u wanna make knw to ppl tat if we frens go ahead....if tats the 1st step to sort of making trust?wan an

10:30 AM

yesterday.. went shooping with dad after choir at IMM.. then near the bread section.. saw some jurongville guys.. then got tt cute counsillor.. hahaz.. tt cute counsillor helped us sell our carnival tix tt time we go his sch to sell.. hm.. :p..

10:26 AM

Friday, June 11, 2004

damn.. i got this guy who i think likes me.. then its like.. at first i thot he ok lor.. quite sweet.. but then its like.. he very the insecure lor.. always ask whether im angry or not.. then its like.. lately.. he always wants to tok on the phone.. then its like.. when i dun pick up the phone or im away from the phone.. he'll say smth like u dun wanna tok to me.. when i toking to another fren.. a close fren of mine.. hus a guy.. he would say.. wah lao y u tok to him dun tok to me one..

its like wad the fuck lor.. im close frens with him.. and i barely know him for 2 months.. and he like dat liao.. wad the fuck lor.. then this morning.. from 0000 to 0100.. i had 19 missed calls.. how pro.. pls applaud.. wah lao.. like he damn despo lor.. then when i eventually pick up the phone.. he would ask me y i nv pick up the phone.. then i wadever i say.. he would say dun wana tok to me issit.. wah lao.. then its like so wad the fuck lor..

then during choir.. he sent me an sms.. this is how it goes..

Every life in this world is painted by god's own hands.That's why I am grateful because as he painted my life he included one lovely colour, and that's you.

like i said.. he can be pretty sweet.. but its like.. he damn sucky lor.. and this the punishment for being nice to him?! wad the hell lor.. damn him.. now i scared to pick up the phone.. coz my hp no caller ID.. then i dunno who call.. so i juz pick up.. if its his voice.. then i juz keep quiet for a while and then hang up..

then its like.. after our jubilate performance.. the last day one.. JL's dad gave me a lift back.. then on the way back.. he called me.. then he was like asking me where i was.. then i was like saying on JL's dad's car.. then he say why i go so fast.. coz he wanted to send me back.. (wad the fuck.. and find where i live?? NO WAY!!).. then he said tt he wanted to tell me tt.. but he forgot(what a looooooser..).. then he said when he wanted to ask.. either he couldnt find me.. or i was with Db they all.. then i say why u scared to tell me in front of them.. he said that he was afraid to let pple know..

wad the fuck man.. such a big fat coward lor.. its not say like he like me right? juz wanna ask me whether he can send me home right? no other motives or intentions right? then y he so scared? y he dun wan other pple to know?

NH and Nic and a lot of other pple all say tt this guy is up to no good lor.. i mean like.. he wants to go out with me alone.. when i suggest group gatering first.. he doesnt want.. wad the fuck lor.. when i wanna know hu his friends are.. he became all wimpy and whiny.. say wad u really wanna know them? sob sob.. really argh? sob sob.. wad the fuck lor.. dun want me to know them then tell me lah.. dun need to act all pathetic.. *shudders*

its like.. juz today including this mornings phone calls.. he called me around 34 times liao.. its so sickening lor.. damn fucking freaky.. manz.. i feel like smacking him hard.. wah lao.. my life doesnt revolve around him.. as though without him i dun have a life.. wah lao.. 34 phone calls.. as though i got nth better to do then to tok to him.. tell him to get a life manz..

damn fucking h***z..

3:49 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2004

10:40 AM

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

You're Element is Water. You are soft and serene at
most times but like Wind, you're scary when
you're mad. You proabaly have a talent is
singing and even your speaking voice is lovely.
You have an innocent type of beauty that makes
you look younger than you are and you like
close relationships with people.

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla

2:33 PM

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

2:24 PM

2:19 PM

My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

2:07 PM

2:02 PM

img src="" border="0" alt="GAME BOY - Born to Play">
A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of
sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have
your electronics you feel you can cope. Time
goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room
hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your
favourite collection of guitar-driven

Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour,

Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life,
action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.

Your Personality type is the only type that would
like this cool online gothic Game:

What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

1:59 PM

Your a guy

What is your gender?
brought to you by Quizilla

hm.. not surprising huh? *grins*

1:44 PM

Monday, June 07, 2004

hm.. i realised that my view of css choir is always changing.. and im always discovering new things.. or should i say.. re-discover? hm..

manz.. i think im mostly to blame.. i joined a yr late.. so.. yeah.. couldnt really fit in.. then started hanging arnd sec 1s then.. hm.. but i realised that i had to have at few a couple of friends from my own batch.. frens which i can hang out with.. hm.. i have jane, mel, renuka.. i dont even know whether some pple i treat as frens treat me as frens.. i dunno.. hm..

oh yeah.. i think i got sort of this long story of y tkss and css are like.. rivals.. i think it started all the way back when there was this time when tkss got a gold in SYF.. and css only got a silver.. then somehow someone started a rumour saying tt the tkss were like.. hm.. looking down on css or smth.. then that was when things became sour.. then so happen they went to hawaii together.. then the tension was very high.. hm.. then another time they went to bangkok together.. then kena food poisoning together.. then got this tkss guy who vommitted on the stage.. then it was in the news in singapore.. hahaz.. then got some css boys took advantage of the situation adn made fun of the boys.. hm..

got tt from hafiz.. *grin*

anyway.. i do recall got some senior who said tt tkss and css relationship was quite good.. during the bangkok time or smth.. hm.. *shrugs*

also.. i would like to get this/these thing(s) clear.. i dont HATE choir.. neither did i add justinian into a conversation with mr toh and then started complaining/bad-mouthing choir.. and made mr toh heartbroken then or smth.. like i said.. i dont HATE choir.. i have an average neutral feeling abt choir.. smths i love it.. smtimes i dun.. i joined choir b coz i loved singing.. not b coz of any other reasons.. i choose choir over drama b coz i loved singing more than acting.. b coz i felt that i could sing loudly anywhere and not feel ashamed abt it.. but not with acting..

its juz the feeling of seeing choir going down.. and not being able to do anything abt it.. that makes me feel sucky.. i feel useless.. i dunno.. i feel that in choir.. within sections.. we should be helping each other.. regardless how old u are.. correcting other pple's mistake nicely..(as in in a nice manner)..

i feel tt there should be this learning spirit within the choir.. like.. going after a trainer and asking whether is there any way of improving oneself.. i dunno..


11:50 PM

Sunday, June 06, 2004

today went for choir.. my sunday one.. the vocal consort one.. quite ok lah.. i finally know my part.. pathetic right? hahaz.. was like putting the more difficult ones into my melody composer and played it over and over and over again.. but although i sound damn wierd on its own.. it sounded really good with the other sections.. man.. i hope my voice becomes better.. couldnt reach the higher notes lately.. manz.. damn..

hm.. today i made my lunch.. *surprise surprise*.. my dad was having lunch with his students.. and also because he was having class.. so yeah.. so i looked through the cookbook.. then found this macoroni and cheese.. then followed it.. and modified.. and after it.. it tasted like it came out of a box.. man.. i rock.. hahaz..

hm.. realised tt im really out of the vocal consort.. its like.. i dun have a 'friend' of my own age-group.. for example.. juit lian has debbie.. debbie has thoedore.. sara has marcus and evelyn.. marcus has thoedore.. yeah.. they also have frens of different age-group.. but at least they are together.. manz.. i feel akward in the choir.. yeah.. at least i have priscilla.. but the age group is really great.. hm.. manz.. y am i in S2? hm.. i realised that i dont know how to mix.. i mean.. you pple out who know me.. probably wont belive it.. but when i meet new pple.. i tend to become really shy..

i mean like.. i'm usually afriad to do anything.. or be myself when i juz know someone.. b coz i'm scared that this perosn wont like me smth.. i dont know.. hm.. and the thing is that i dont go up to people and try to be friends with them.. (ok.. i do.. but here its a different case).. i mean like in vocal consort.. all they talk about.. is.. music? hm.. ok.. i love music.. but i dont talk about music.. hm.. maybe simply b coz im a loner or smth.. hm..

11:00 PM

Saturday, June 05, 2004

today skipped choir again.. but today its b coz i was last min roped-in to joing this general knowledge quiz.. then very pathetic lor.. only 2 schs.. us and shuqun sec... pathetic right? then the more pathetic thing is tt i go there.. be reserve.. then do nth..(apart maybe prompting the ones upfront on one of the chinese zosdiac which they couldnt think of.. which was the goat..)..

haiz.. my mum coming back from china on the 12th june.. at first she say end of the month.. haiz.. then next week packed like shit liddat.. no time to have the wild parties i had wanted to hold.. manz.. haiz..

7:18 PM

Friday, June 04, 2004

haiz.. finally completed my blog.. but will make some more changes.. hm.. thnx to those hu helped me.. *grin*.. especially xiao kat.. haiz.. well.. i'd betta make this place more homey.. ciao..

8:39 PM

Thursday, June 03, 2004

You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.

"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever

Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.

As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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11:50 AM

hm.. didnt go for choir today.. didnt feel like going.. i dunno.. juz feel bad in choir.. indescribable feeling..

11:39 AM

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