Mozilla/Netscape people put the ad free banner in place of this, IE people just delete the whole thing.
its not worth killing yourself
if you aint gonna die

about me

*NC16.. lol
*8th May
*choir [sop]

*striker for girls
*defender for guys
*shopping (ha)
*bad boys *wink*

**dorothy tay
**faggot yip
**chua ee cheong
**pple putting me down

***to get A1 for chinese
***to get A1 for a maths
***to get A1 for english
***to get A1 for maths
***to get A1 for biology
***to get A2 for physics
***to get A2 for geography
***to get A2 for combined humanties
***to get B3 for chemistry
***help out xingnan choir
***take drama as sub at VJC
***study at NTU/ overseas
***get a beetle car

my past

06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005

my reads

nicole : gr8 debater
haikal : far away now
kathleen : my twin sis
jane : my ma
julie : my real sis
suk mun : partner-in-crime
juit lian
luo sheng
sarah lah
hui ru
li ru
see kai
yan shan: crazy partner
cheng jie
kuan hui
ruiming: gotta read dis
aidil: sax player
kang sheng: nice shoes
weixue: old classmate
wan xin
hsien lee: fashion designer
fang yi: WET!!
zhao perng
si meng
yu han
tze chee
theng loke
ying chen
qiu qun
mel c: cool hair
mr toh
guy, interrupted
marina/ chloe
tiawanajane: lemons?
pablo: i like this guy!
blueskeleton: cool site with pics

my virtual pets

adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

the current moon phase

moon phases

my hangouts

The Vocal Consort
CSS Choir Forum
My Friendster
Pyro, my love

shout at me

gimme a hug

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Kathy more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


what i have learnt

Monday, July 26, 2004

   found out who stanley's.. (3/1).. brother.. and believe me.. stanley looks much better.. not say i like him or anything but stanley really looks better..

11:31 PM

   ok.. this is the situation.. remember my costumes for be-ur-self day? yeah.. they all use recycled materials.. then ruth ng ask me to do write-up, then take pic of the costume alone.. then take pic of odel wearing the costume.. front, side and back..

   i return to class.. annie lim class.. guess wad she ask me to do if i wanna send it for greenwave project?.. the exact same thing as ruth ng.. juz tt ruth ng's one is sort of for no purpose one lah..

   then.. annie lim ask me whether i want to have this fashion show (not sure whether is it fully my own or not lah.. hope it is.. dun mind making more costumes to make it my own fashion show..).. at the Singapore Expo'.. but.. muz do at least 10 more costumes made from recycled stuff.. and i said ok..

   so.. here's the list:

1) White clothe-hanger outfit ----- Vithya 3/2 [completed]
2) Palm tree woman (as wad HRM says) ----- NOT ME! [completed]
3) White 'hawaiin' outfit ----- Debbie 3/1 [designing and hairstyle done]
4) Black punk outfit ----- Melisaa 3/1 [hairstyle done]
5) Black goth outfit ----- Hsien Lee 3/2 {tentative}
6) - ----- Jane 3/6 {tentative}

   and i need 6 more pple and design outfits (8 if hsien lee and jane dun want).. and be coz i make the outfit to fit the person.. make the outfit look good on the person.. i dun make the outfit first and then look for any tom, dick or harry to wear the outfit ok..

   thus.. i need the pple first.. pple who are really interested lor.. interested can email me?.. or tag my board.. or scroll all the way to the bottom of this page and then click on the 'me' in the "Modified by me".. i need guys also.. so if anyone knows any good looking guys with a great bod.. contact me k?.. hahaz.. thankz..

   hsien lee say that she and dennis probably can help.. ruth ng said tt they could do their own fashion show if they do well or smth at the end of the yr.. but im a step ahead.. hahaz.. sorry.. >.<.. 

10:53 PM

   today had choir.. on the way back.. cornelius kept talking and pestering renuka who sat beside.. then i was getting annoyed.. and ok.. i tolerated for quite some time.. and i was like trying to let him know y pple get so pissed off with him.. and he didnt want to listen or even get the hint tt i was getting pissed with him and continued toking..

   then i was like goin.. r u like neglected at home..?.. then he suddenly said seriously.. dun ever insult my mum.. ok.. then the next couple of things i did wasnt very nice.. and cornelius got pretty mad at me and.. cried..

   ok.. it really wasnt nice.. and i sort of found out only then tt cornelius was form a single parent family.. and.. i guess i should understand y he was behainvg this way and y he defends his mum so much.. but i didnt know before.. so.. yeah..

   ok.. the first thing which came ot my mind when i first saw corny was tt he was like justinian.. attention-seeking..

   justin sort of toned down in his behaviour after tt trip to genting.. which i good.. coz i sort of showed him tt there are pple who care lor.. and he was really nice up there..

   the last SCO practise.. justin told me to get to know corny.. to stop him from becoming the old justinian.. coz he sort of saw himself reflected in corny.. he asked me to help corny.. the way i helped him lor.. but the thing is.. im no superwoman.. and the only reason i cared for justinian was b coz..
1)he was in sorprano.. i could see wad was happening to him more clearly.. 2)i felt tt the pple he held dear to him didnt really care abt him..
3)i felt tt there was more to it than juz attitude prob..
4)he still had a chance to change

   corny is a whole different case.. corny is more action.. justinian was more of wide annoying smiles (im sorry.. hahaz..) and really annoying screams and stuff i cant remember.. corny is juz tok.. and physical contact.. ok. justinian used physical contact too.. but i guess i dun really care how corny turns out.. if he wants to ruin his life.. he can..

   i also guess its b coz i really dun know how i 'changed' justinian or whether i was me at all.. probably it was juz justinian maturing.. so.. yeah..

   i dunno.. i feel tt.. corny.. haiz.. its another case like justinian's..

   justinian.. do u know tt for months i was thinking of y u were behaving the way u were.. and a lot of pple were like telling me.. its juz the way u were.. but i really thought otherwise.. (sorry argh.. read too much chicken soup.. try it!) and i was trying to get u to trust me.. which was quite difficult coz u were always sticking with deb.. eventually.. i guess it really was the genting trip which brought u closer to me and jane and kathleen.. (coz u were the only guy who was allowed in a girls room - jane and my room).. then i sort of recall telling u tt if u wanted to come with us (kat, jane and me..).. u had to behave or smth.. yeah.. but it was fun hanging out with u lah.. hahaz..

   hahaz. dunno wad else to say liao.. haiz..

10:29 PM

Friday, July 23, 2004

   yeah man.. haha.. added 3 more different scents of Impulse deodorant to my 'collection'.. haha..

   my first one was 'Merely Musk'.. which says.. ' the warm inviting fragrance of Merely Musk - an exciting and captivating Impulse fragrance that no man can resist.." then tt time colby borrowed it from me.. and i was like goin.. later all the guys all go to him.. hahaz.. coz the scent irresistable mah.. *wink*..

   then the new additions are 'ICQ', 'Illusions' and 'Vive'.

   'ICQ' says.. 'Impulse ICQ lets you enjoy the sparkling clean fragrance of ice plants and silver mist orchids'

   'Illusions' says.. 'the essense of Illusions is mystery and suspense. it spins a web that few men can escape. expect the unexpected..' (wonder if i spray it on.. would guys follow me like hounds? hahaz..)

   and lastly.. 'Vive' says.. 'Vive - the exciting, independant fragrance that lets you break the rules. prepare yourself for adventure..' (muz spray this when breaking school rules.. then blame it on this.. hahaz..)

   then i was thikning of getting all the fragrances.. then put in class or smth.. then its like.. got so many diffrent fragrances to choose from.. then also got different fragrances to spray ee cheong when he bugs me or when he takes off his shoes and then puts his feet out.. hahaz.. then i always spray his feet.. thanks david for inspiring me to use deodorant as a weapon.. *wink*grin*..

9:19 PM

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

   very long nv update liao.. juz too lazy to.. and too busy lah hor.. sorry.. then got mini war goin on in my tag board.. haiz.. :p.. quick update on wad has happened to me..

be-ur-self day
got both first and secong positions.. coz i made 2 costumes and asked vithya to help me wear one.. then one she wore got first.. i'll load the pics here when i can get them.. the new paper came to interview us.. then still waiting for the article to come out.. hahaz.. total got $75 time book voucher..

math story
got first for tt one.. the whole thing is i do one.. sre is because he no grp i juz grab him into my grp.. then he did the powerpoint presentation with the hyperlinks and stuff.. travelled 30 mins juz to buy a cd to save the file into it coz file too big to save in floppy disk.. hm.. maybe can try to put the ppt presentation here also.. so my thingy owuld be sent to be approved to be published for this 101 maths sories by our west-one cluster..  

racial harmony day
3/1 had to sing a song.. when mrs png said tt she needed MCs.. both sre and me raised our hands.. but she said tt she had already chosen deb and sre.. (sarah.. i compare myself with deb sometimes coz she seem to have all the things i would want ! which i think isnt very good but at least here's an anser for u).. tts y she put me in charge of the formation.. and tts how i became the creative director.. -_-".. anyway.. wore the blue cheong sam.. (dunno how to spell).. then very tight.. (shit.. grew fatter.. =/).. yeah.. then wear the burmese costume the skirt keep falling.. or they help me roll until it looks like i got this big circle of stomach fat.. (which i dun have.. even if have i will suck in one.. hahaz.. )..

   i think tts about it all lor.. need to go do chem project and biology one too.. shit.. tml a maths ct.. think i'll juz flunk this one.. juz this one.. god bless me.. lol..

11:16 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2004

it was cross country yesterday.. didnt run coz had MC.. and also b coz no confidence to get top 20.. so didnt wanna "lose face".. coz for the previous 2 yrs been getting top 20.. hm..

got me, sre, deb, priya, kel vin and ying chen go ice-skating b4 macritchie.. then it was like totally nobody lor.. k lah.. got one or 2.. so it was very spacious.. hahaz.. then me, sre and ying chen came late coz i went to cliic to get MC.. then it was like.. when we reach there.. deb, priya and kv were already inside..

then wanted to get hockey skates.. but deb already took it liao.. coz she sameshoe size as me.. haiz.. so sad.. hahaz..

sre was like.. cannot skate lor.. ying chen also.. then sre very funny lor.. hahaz.. keep falling.. but in the end he got improve.. hahaz.. ying chen also.. hahaz..

hm.. then go macritchie.. slack slack salck until secs1s coming in.. then the sec2s.. then cheer for the juniors we knew.. (we is thandar, hamidah and me.. got xiao qian and ain join in later to cheer the sec3s.. )

then the sec3 girls came in.. wah lao.. its like 95% of the top 20 girls were from 3/3.. (but then again wad can i say.. its called sports class for a reason..)haiz..

then sec3 guys came in.. then i was like lookin for sre lor.. coz he has been like training for quite a number of days running up and down the stairs.. then he was like aiming to get top 20.. then after the top 20 guys came in.. i was like telling thandar they all tt sre would be damn disappointed lor.. then later the top 40.. top 60.. all didint see sre lor.. even after dhruv.. nv see him.. i freak out lor.. i thot he kena injured or smth.. or lying in the forest lost.. helpless.. (ok.. a bit exaggerated.. hahaz.. )

then ask dhruv.. dhruv say he injured leg.. then preetpal came in.. he say sreyansh kena cramp and stiches.. then its like couldnt even walk lor.. (then i think this is when he injured his leg..)

then finally i saw him coming in.. with jason behind.. jogging.. then me and thandar they all were like cheering him on lor.. then its like.. "1.. 2.. 3.. SREYANSH!!!"

then.. i cried.. i dunno.. juz felt really sad lor.. its like.. he's been training.. then he was really hoping to get top 20.. juz tt he didnt warm up.. WAH LAO!! Y DIDNT U GO AND DO YOUR WARM UPS INSTEAD IF PLAYING SOCCER?!?!.. haiz.. then i was like.. going to cry.. then hamidah noticed lor.. then i juz turned to her shoulder and juz cried.. and cried.. until i felt better.. manz.. it was juz so sad.. manz.. (it doesnt link but heck.. hahaz..)

haiz.. after tt.. nth much happened lor.. hm..

9:50 AM

Sunday, July 04, 2004

to anonymous:

ok.. heres my very long entry to u.. i dun know u.. coz u nv put ur name up.. but its ok..

its not as though i have nv seeked help b4.. the one i went to wasnt a teacher.. its was a supposedly trained counsellor.. and from tt incident with tt counsellor.. i dun think i can trust pple working in this line.. it may sound kinda sad.. but it is the truth..

professional help..? hm.. nah.. i toked to a psychiatrist when i ended up in hospital.. nah.. juz dun feel good toking to her.. made me feel more depressed..

yeah.. i know its escaping.. but to me.. it isnt escaping.. b coz i dun try to kill myself b coz i've got problems.. problem which i cant solve.. i dunno.. im juz doind it.. to see whether pple would get sad.. whether pple would care.. whether i would make an impact in their lives.. sorry if it sounds sadistic or something.. but tts how i think i feel..

now whenever i think abt suicide.. i get confused.. whenever pple tok abt suicide so openly and vigarously.. i feel like puking.. and my mind would be swarmed with so many bad memories..

ok.. so even if i am escaping.. if i die.. the problem would cease to exist wouldnt they?

maybe u dun even know me.. so y should u even care? i mean.. when i took 14 panadols.. 4 friends.. 4 i considered quite close.. watched me eat one by one.. one of them tried by feebly trying to snatch them out of my hand.. anther juz shook her head and saying tt wad i was doin was stupid.. the other 2 were juz crapping..

then pratically the whole class knew.. it was only later.. a fren told another of my fren to tell a teacher.. tts was like.. 2 hrs later?

there pple out there who care for me.. i mean.. when i leave.. they'll juz forget me after a while.. juz think tt i migrated or smth.. its the same right? hahaz.. and im sure not tt many pple care for me.. i mean.. y shld they? y would they? they would rather care for pple like debbie.. right?

hm.. anything else u wanna say? juz tag me k? i know wadever u said are all true.. but if i really wanna die.. no one can stop me.. so if i die suddenly.. i would like to say sorry to all the pple i would have hurt.. sorry..

even thought sorry doesnt mean much.. but tts the best i can do.. sorry..

7:01 PM

ok.. yesterday went to syf opening.. skip everything.. ok.. only the band display is worth mentioning..

hm.. now i very lazy to write.. hahaz.. k lah.. now.. i only wanna tok about the drun majors..

deyi sec presented first.. the drum major was tall and lean.. then use binoculars (hahaz.. sound so perverse) he quite shuai.. hahaz.. still remember the name.. ngai yi qian.. hahaz.

then the tanjong katong sec band came.. then i was like going "tktktktktktktktktktktktk" very fast.. hahaz.. coz marcus from tk mah.. hahaz.. ok.. very lame..

then got this combined sch choir.. sorry.. didnt really notice u lah hor..

then bowen sec.. b coz last yr the drum major was a girl.. then i use binoculars to see.. i saw a boy.. but mel say girl.. coz got long hair.. (the lon hair turned out to be some rope hanging from the hat).. then he reminded me of chee wee.. then i look closer.. he quite cute looking.. (bowen guy not chee wee.. :p.. but chee wee quite cute looking too lah.. hahaz..).. then its like.. he was quite ok at first.. then he dropped the baton!! WTF!! and we counted 3 times.. then later.. he started shaking his butt(?) lor.. then its like.. he did alot of other stuff too.. wah lao.. if he didnt drop his baton.. he would have stood a really good chance of winnning drum major of the yr.. im so sorry..

later.. bowen sec pple crying.. then the crum major.. was like.. so sad lor.. manz.. i felt like goin over to give him a hug.. (but thot otherwise.. later he think i pervert hahaz.. )

haiz.. tts abt it.. the rest i lazy to write.. but if u wanna know.. i'll be willing to tell u.. hahaz..

6:32 PM

Friday, July 02, 2004

did one headpiece today.. the clothes hanger one.. it look really cool.. manz.. so satisfying.. hahaz.. that means 2 more to go.. hm..

and 3 more costumes to finish.. but at least finished one headpiece.. *grin*..

i did my maths story in 2 nites.. its basically this story of little red riding hood saving her grandma from the big bad wolf.. and then on the way there are obstacles.. maths questions lah.. then its like goosebumps.. muz flip here flip there one.. but then.. the level of hardness if the story is for pri. sch kids lor.. so.. yeah.. hahaz.. then the pics are all in collage.. :p..

then tt time present finish liao.. mdm chang say it very good.. then tt is wad she wants.. i so damn happy lor.. hahaz.. :p..

then today vote for the top 3 pieces to represent the class.. then my piece got 21/40 votes.. hahaz.. so so happy.. :P:P..

hahaz.. i sound so how lian (or show-off as justin would say it.. hahaz...) .. :P:P..

oh yeah.. i called the handphone no.. the one i made bold in an entry some days ago.. the ad i saw on tv is looking for pple to learn to dance.. then later got competition.. then the winnier would dance with william hung at his concert here.. then the fee is $150 a month.. one lesson a week.. so dumb right? hahaz.. anyone can dance like william hung.. (no offense!)

then got another one is looking for students.. got 3 categories.. got 6-9.. 10-16.. 16+.. then they are training pple to host.. dance.. sing.. and act.. yeah lor.. its $200 a month.. one lesson a week.. hahaz.. i rather go for this one then the william hung one.. but mum dun let.. haiz..

6:37 PM

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Modified byme