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its not worth killing yourself
if you aint gonna die

about me

*NC16.. lol
*8th May
*choir [sop]

*striker for girls
*defender for guys
*shopping (ha)
*bad boys *wink*

**dorothy tay
**faggot yip
**chua ee cheong
**pple putting me down

***to get A1 for chinese
***to get A1 for a maths
***to get A1 for english
***to get A1 for maths
***to get A1 for biology
***to get A2 for physics
***to get A2 for geography
***to get A2 for combined humanties
***to get B3 for chemistry
***help out xingnan choir
***take drama as sub at VJC
***study at NTU/ overseas
***get a beetle car

my past

06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005

my reads

nicole : gr8 debater
haikal : far away now
kathleen : my twin sis
jane : my ma
julie : my real sis
suk mun : partner-in-crime
juit lian
luo sheng
sarah lah
hui ru
li ru
see kai
yan shan: crazy partner
cheng jie
kuan hui
ruiming: gotta read dis
aidil: sax player
kang sheng: nice shoes
weixue: old classmate
wan xin
hsien lee: fashion designer
fang yi: WET!!
zhao perng
si meng
yu han
tze chee
theng loke
ying chen
qiu qun
mel c: cool hair
mr toh
guy, interrupted
marina/ chloe
tiawanajane: lemons?
pablo: i like this guy!
blueskeleton: cool site with pics

my virtual pets

adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

the current moon phase

moon phases

my hangouts

The Vocal Consort
CSS Choir Forum
My Friendster
Pyro, my love

shout at me

gimme a hug

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Kathy more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


what i have learnt

Thursday, March 24, 2005

my bro is now arnd 16 mnths old now.. then its like.. he likes to hit pple on sight.. haha
very cute right?
then its like..
he likes to hit pple..
did i say tt juz now?
i did..
well.. thats juz him..
julie taught him tt..

12:43 AM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

adj. loud.
"What do you think of that girl, Billie?" "She's kathy!"

4:10 PM

there.. there's nth wrong with my blog any more.. *grins*

4:01 PM

i dun wanna go choir tml or on thursday.. i mean.. tml is until 4pm.. *grouchy*

wah lao.. wads the use of practice if everyone w\makes the smae old mistakes again and again.. and the same old pple dun wanna open their mouths bigger to sing louder?... i think its a total waste of time if the choir is still so big.. coz the same old pple who arent singing will pull us down.. they are not contributing to the sound but to the mistakes tt we are going to have with them around.. i mean.. with such a big choir.. im sure tt they expect a fuller richer and biger sound right? but wont it be more impressive if a smaller choir produced the exact same sound and richness and volume as us?

b coz we can BE the smaller choir..

and i dun see the point of going for orientation.. i mean.. i go also wads the point.. im not needed there lor.. and i duncare abt the sec 1s.. they're juz a bunch of sec 1s whom i wont be seeing for much longer.. wads the point tell me.. wads the point???

i can juz use tt time to catch up with my studies.. so i wont get a 30+ for my L1R5..



no no no..

i mean SINGING ROX but the CHOIR PPLE (apart ffrom the pple i KNOW) SUX!!!

3:50 PM

hm.. smth is wrong with my blog.. but wad the heck..

anyway.. yester.. 4/1's class outing to sentosa was a blast! this is the most successful class outing tt i've ever been to.. and im proud to say tt i was the co-organiser.. hahaz.. brandon was the organizer..

anyway.. 25 pple came.. out of a class of 4/1.. tts more than half!

hahaz.. anyway.. this is wad happened lah.. we play volleyball.. then went swimming then played 'water polo'.. then kel vin got my volley ball stuck up a tree.. then they throw their slippers up lah.. then slipper also kena stuck in the tree.. its was quite funny lah.. except tt the ball was mine.. and it was quite ex lah.. so i was like screaming at kel vin.. in the end.. cheng jie climbed up tt palm tree and got down my ball.. but his chest and throat kena sratched until got blood.. (i think)

anyway.. after tt went to have lunch.. kel vin preetpal and me went to eat lunch at delifrance.. the tuna was very salty.. bleh..

after.. i went kayaking.. it was really fun considering tt i didnt go for the level camp and didnt get to go canoeing.. hahaz.. now my arms ache like shit.. hahaz..

after tt.. the 2nd batch went kayaking while my batch of pple went back tot he pelawang (is tt how u spell it?) beachto take care of our belongings.. then we played monkey in the middle in the water.. hahaz.. got a lot of things which happened there.. :D

after tt.. mel and me went to bathe.. then very long queue.. after tt.. hanged arnd at our area there.. then played soccer in the dark.. then went to eat at sake sushi.. i ate gyu don.. i think.. its was very nice.. with the wasabi and stuff.. mmmmm....

after tt played truth and truth.. hahaz.. then we learnt new astonishing information abt our pple's loves life.. hahaz.. too bad for pple who werent there.. *smiles innocently*

on the whole.. it was a gr8 success.. bradon and i are thinking of the next one.. in june.. see u pple at sentosa again!

3:10 PM

Saturday, March 12, 2005


i was brainwashed.. i proudly announce tt i WAS brainwashed.. but i didnt cry when the instructors were crapping.. i was looking at the celing forcing myself not to cry.. if i could do it again.. i would cry.. cry and show tt i care..

these 2 nights.. i havent seen my sisters, brother and mom.. and i actually believed wadever ramesh told us.. i really did.. i really felt motivated..

and guess wad.. i reach home today.. and the first thing i ever did to my mum in these 3 days was to argue..

and wadever i had learnt from ramesh and all the other instructors.. i gave it back to them.. i didnt want to get 9A1s.. i wanna fail juz to spite her.. i dun wanna do ANYTHING successful again..

lemme tell u.. i see her.. then i juz felt so dArn angry with her.. tt she was the one who made me subconciously made me believe tt i was fat and stupid and wouldnt make it far in life.. she always said tt i was this fat pig.. that i would grow up to be a cleaner..

time to come.. i do think tt i am fat.. which i am.. i really am.. damnit.. im in TAF.. how embarrassing is tt? my NAPHA has nv not been a gold.. always near full marks.. who is to decide whether i should be in TAF.. FUCK..

u know wad? if i did tok on stage.. i would say i love u to both parents but im sorry to my dad.. y? the plain reason tt i still remember wad my mum did..

my mum used to be very strict with me.. then there was this once.. i got a 87 for a test or smth.. then she angry grab my hair and then juz repeatedly smash my mouth into the wall beside.. my lip got cut lah.. got blood everywhere.. and u expect me to say sorry to her for all those stuff.. tt woman who cant control her anger and vents its on me?? no way.. dream on..

oh yes.. i HAVE returned everything i have back to them.. i dun wanna do anything now.. i dun wanna go to university anymore.. i dun wanna be anyone anymore.. hooray.. my sub conscious mind heard tt.. im dead meat.. i wont succeed in life..

so stop telling me otherwise..

11:41 PM

Monday, March 07, 2005

guess wad...

my mom has contact lenses!!!!!!!


and she was saying tt contact lenses were not good and stuff...

then she go and buy..

wah lao..


i want contact lenses too!!!



6:22 PM

Saturday, March 05, 2005

ok.. well.. this is smth tt i have been feeling lor..

its abt choir..

anyway.. i feel tt the choir should only be arnd 40 pple like.. at most 50.. coz.. i feel that a lot of pple are not contributing to the sound.. and its like.. they are juz there u know.. not doing much.. and its like.. quite unfair to the pple who are better..

i know im like such a bitch coz i do know tt if tt does happen.. some pple i really like being with wont be there lor.. ( i really AM a bitch implying tt im better.. im so sorry..)

anyway.. i still hold my stand of not wanting to join SYF.. ms kelly lim.. u may that if i enjoy singing but dont want to join SYF.. that i am mocking singing.. u are wrong..


not singing..

i love singing.. but b coz of wad choir is.. i rather not admit tt i love singing.. i am ashamed that u choir pple say that u too love singing..

b coz loving choir is different from loving singing..

very different..

when u choir pple ask me whether i love choir.. i say no.. and then u gasp and sigh and ask me.. then y did u join choir in the first place.. its b coz.. i love singing..


i joined choir b coz its was where (supposedly) pple who love to sing come to together.. pple who want to make beautiful music together.. but.. but i juz dont see it in choir..

b coz i see u pple as pple who juz wanna come to choir for the sake of coming.. or u wee forced to join choir.. or b coz u have frens here and dont care abt the music.. or maybe b coz u dun hafta to stand under the hot sun and tt there's air-con..

damn u..

so stop asking me whether i like CHOIR.. b coz i HATE choir..


thats y i dun wanna go for SYF.. i really dont..

u may say tt im stupid.. wierd or retarded.. but i dont care.. b coz i juz dont..



damnit.. im into one of my choir-hating moods again.. ... damn..

anyway.. ms lim.. u lied to me.. you said tt those who werent in syf still had to go for all the practices that syf pple were going to.. ALL..

but on the schedule.. wad do i see? i see that the non-SYF pple only have to go for the sec1 orientation.. while SYF pple have to go for tt and 3 other practices..

i dun wanna go..

i really dun wanna go..

i dun care..

i can get auditioned for all i like..

and i'll sing my worst..

like how i did to mr low.. (but i stupidly gave up in the end)


one month to SYF.. and we cant even do the expressions or dynamics well.. one month.. we dont have enough time.. we sound sucky.. ok.. maybe we dont.. but we sound dead.. D-E-A-D.. damnit.. i cant really differenciate bad and good.. so im juz bull-shiting here..

and y wont u let me go? im not a good singer.. there are better singers arnd to sing sorprano.. i mean.. if don have me there wouldnt be a difference in ther volume or sound right? be coz there are pple like debbie and juitlian.. they are like 20 of us put together when they sing together.. so y need us?? or.. y need me?? there are other singers too..


and there ARE enuff experienced singers around to pull the choir up in times of trouble.. and lemme tell u pple out there.. i wont be able to do tt.. i mean.. i would be the person pulling pple down.. b coz i cant tell whether someone if sharp or flat.. i mean.. i don have super sonic hearing or perfect pitch.. i mean.. i might pull the choir down..

so y take the risk?

and u pple out there.. stop telling me to go for SYF.. its getting on my nerves.. if i still hafta go.. i'll juz hafta break a leg before SYF and leading to the unfit condition to go.. yeah.. maybe.. or i could get an MC.. nah.. not as dramatic.. haha..

ok.. i should stop blabbering b4 some committee members see this and further more bitch abt me during their committee meetings..

and oh.. if u run out of things to bitch abt.. here another thing to bitch abt me.. um.. there was this once when i skipped choir.. saying tt i was sick.. and then went to help drama.. like clear stuff and help them clean off make up.. and believe me.. i had much more fun doing tt then singing with u.. with u.. choir pple..


there are things that i want to do, but cant; there are things that i want to say, and can. fuck you.

1:40 AM

Friday, March 04, 2005

i think i saw kenny today.. my primary sch kenny.. not kenny phua kenny..

anyway.. i think its him.. i didnt realise tt it might be him until i found him staring at me.. and then its was like.. hm.. looks like kenny.. then he was wearing nan hua sec uni.. so i think should be him lah..

he grow quite tall liao.. somewhat quite cute lah.. hahaz.. but he looked cuter at pri sch..


anyway.. was thinking of organizing a 6K gathering after Os or smth.. wanna know how they are now..

gotta work hard for Os kathy!! *grin*

8:19 PM

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