Mozilla/Netscape people put the ad free banner in place of this, IE people just delete the whole thing.
its not worth killing yourself
if you aint gonna die

about me

*NC16.. lol
*8th May
*choir [sop]

*striker for girls
*defender for guys
*shopping (ha)
*bad boys *wink*

**dorothy tay
**faggot yip
**chua ee cheong
**pple putting me down

***to get A1 for chinese
***to get A1 for a maths
***to get A1 for english
***to get A1 for maths
***to get A1 for biology
***to get A2 for physics
***to get A2 for geography
***to get A2 for combined humanties
***to get B3 for chemistry
***help out xingnan choir
***take drama as sub at VJC
***study at NTU/ overseas
***get a beetle car

my past

06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005

my reads

nicole : gr8 debater
haikal : far away now
kathleen : my twin sis
jane : my ma
julie : my real sis
suk mun : partner-in-crime
juit lian
luo sheng
sarah lah
hui ru
li ru
see kai
yan shan: crazy partner
cheng jie
kuan hui
ruiming: gotta read dis
aidil: sax player
kang sheng: nice shoes
weixue: old classmate
wan xin
hsien lee: fashion designer
fang yi: WET!!
zhao perng
si meng
yu han
tze chee
theng loke
ying chen
qiu qun
mel c: cool hair
mr toh
guy, interrupted
marina/ chloe
tiawanajane: lemons?
pablo: i like this guy!
blueskeleton: cool site with pics

my virtual pets

adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

the current moon phase

moon phases

my hangouts

The Vocal Consort
CSS Choir Forum
My Friendster
Pyro, my love

shout at me

gimme a hug

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Kathy more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


what i have learnt

Thursday, July 21, 2005

i have fantastic news..

i borrowed yc's half blood prince today..

and i finish reading it liao!!!!

and i cant wait for the next f***ing book!!!!!


i need it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i feel like crying now..

I NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sobs like how a drug addict craves for drugs when i cant get it*

9:44 PM

Sunday, July 03, 2005

hey nicole

hey are some pics my dad took at canada a few mnths back..

*NOTE* thses photos were not taken by a pro with a pro camera.. they were taken by my DAD using some damn slow nikon camera.. but then again.. the mountains dun move.. lol..

the scenery...
i dunno where the fuck it is but its damn chio.. ITS SO COOL!!! imagine how high tt is!! with so many windows!! i bet its some university..
this is the day scene from where my dad stayed.. (duh)
this is the night scene from where my dad stayed..

11:25 PM


juz finish watching A.I (for you pple who dunno wad the hell it is.. it stands for Artificial Intelligence)


i cried throughout the WHOLE movie..

which makes it at the same ranking as ladder 49.. (in case you dun know wad happen.. read my post from last yr haha..)

its so bloody sad.. its about this robot boy david.. (haley joel osment) who wants to be a real boy lah.. coz he wants his mother to love him... its bloody sad anyhow.. and also got jude law.. (so shuai hahahaha).. so david goes and find the blue fairy.. the fairy who made pinochio a real boy..

so he found 'her' at the bottom of manhattan.. at this old abandoned underwater fairground.. so he prays to her everyday.. and then its like.. 2000 yrs pass.. all human and robots have been wiped out.. now there's some kind of alien thingy living on earth.. and they found david frozen and made him work again..

then they said like they could make his mother come alive but only for a day.. and only if they have something of tt person which contains the DNA.. so this teddy bear (which is so blardy cute coz he keep sewing himself at the most awkard times.. haha) said tt he had david's mother's hair lah

so she comes alove for tt day.. and (obviously) tt day was david's most happiest day.. then when the mom finally says " i love you david.. i have always loved you " i juz cried and cried and cried and cried and cried..

then when the mom died.. david crawled in beside her.. and closed his eyes.. and fell asleep for the first time in his life..

wah lao lor..

wad type of sad story is this???

make me cry until my eyebags became bigger lor.. now my eyesbags are bulging out liao..


i wanna know who wrote this story.. damn.. i want his writing skills man..


*sniff sniff*

9:38 PM

Thursday, June 09, 2005

went to westmall to watch mrs and mr smith..

after tt moivie..

realised tt reuben lai was sitting 4 seats away from me..


but i nv go and say hi or wad coz i wasnt sure whether it WAS him..



is this a sign???

tt i shld return to choir????



7:28 PM

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


today had ss remedial..


it started at 0730.. and ended at 0900..

guess wad some genius told me?

some genius told me tt it started at 0900..

so when i went to 4/4 classroom at 0900..

ester leng was like..

hahaha.. we ending liao..

then im like.. wtf?

somemore i asked her face to face yesterday whether it started at 0900.. and she said yeah..


so i joined 5/1's session at 0930..

which.. started half an hour late coz..

they were damn noisy and couldnt shuddap..

and they were toking crap..


its was ok lah..

no shuai ges one..


ok lah..

got one..


but dun tell u who!

*sticks out tongue*

4:55 PM

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

today had debate..

i love debate!!!


and i like jon too!!


juz jking..



today jon asked me whether i was from choir.. and im like yeah..

and then he asked whether i know alison..

and im like yeah..

then he said tt he was taking PJC.. and alison juz joined or smth..

and smth like they were quite close or smth.. lol.. and he was smsing all the time he was toking to me.. haha



and come to think abt it now..

which alison???

7:35 PM


when u pple were having choir..

i went to je lib..

and guess who was there..

MR FERDINAND QUEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha.. im not pulling ur leg..

I SAW HIM!!!!!!!!!!

( but he didnt see me..)


how cool is tt??

12:44 AM


im so bored!!!


so bored..


im lookin forward to sch reopening..

12:16 AM

Thursday, June 02, 2005

darn it..

my hands are STILL smelling like onions from bio lab today..


shouldnt have been making onion juice out of onions today.. darnit.. and now this stupid keyboard is like on some mode by which if i type smth in the middle of lets say "apple".. its will become like this: "apkle".. a letter would dissappear.. damnit..

ok.. its gone.. juz press on the insert button..


ok.. tt was lame..


my hands still smell like onions after like washing with Dettol thrice.. some minty face fash.. a nice smelling antibiotics hand soap.. and lastly.. with Colgate Fresh Mint toothpaste..

AND IT STILL SMELLS LIKE ONIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im gonna die... remind me to wear plastic surgeon gloves next time at bio lab.. i need.. i didnt even wanna wash my face with my hands.. i used a towel today.. bleh..

btw.. the bio lab thingy was like at 1300 - 1500..

so by now it should be gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



7:41 PM

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

8:47 PM


i suck..

thot i was a good singer.. heard pple saying tt im a good singer.. guess tts all juz bullshit huh? juz some bullshit to convince me tt i do have a tiny bit of talent.. to comfort me coz my results juz suck..

wad fucking talent..


guess i can juz work fucking harder.. yeah.. like now..

watch me get into vjc without ur fucking affrimative action thingy..

i will rise to become one of singapore more prominent conductors..

watch me bring my pri. sch choir from a fucking all-timer bronze to a gold with honours next yr..

watch me do it..

and i'll laugh at ur pathetic faces

6:55 PM

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